Thursday, January 1, 2009

Inzaghi Promises New Year 'Revenge' For Milan

Milan striker Filippo Inzaghi has spoken about the past year as well as the upcoming one, which he believes will be a much more satisfying one for his team.Inzaghi also thinks that the year that is coming to an end helped the team to grow and will be useful for them in 2009."2008 was the year of reflection," declared the former Juventus player to Gazzetta dello Sport."In 2007 Milan had won everything, we had enjoyed ourselves. Then a different season arrived, in which the only regret is tied to the missed qualification to the Champions League."However, we grow up also in the difficulties and Milan will prove this."2009 will be the year of the revenge: we believe in the Scudetto because not playing in the Champions League in Spring is an advantage."Inzaghi has been at Milan since 2001, where he played 148 games and scored 57 goals.

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