Thursday, February 19, 2009

A perfect man and player

At an meeting in the heart of AC Milan's training centre, with an available, simple and top class player. We are pleased to announce that the inaugural Samba Gold trophy has been delivered in person to the winner Kaká, along with the title of the best Brazilian player in Europe in 2008.

Kaká and the Samba Gold ... between them both a story is born. The
champion recorded forever in the first line of the award. The player
and the trophy immediately bounded with each other. As Kaká instinctively, took it in his arms, adopts and envelopes the trophy as he was with a child.

"If Kaká does not want it, it is mine ..."

It is his child, his pride and joy, he surrounds it with all his affection, keeping it like a valuable asset. Needless to ask if he likes the shapes and colors of the art object: the big gold ball with two hands applauding him, they are part of him, he pressed against his chest.

Samba Gold along side the greatest

At AC Milan, it is not unusual to see the most beautiful award, trophies to the highest renown. "Ballon d'Or", they have recieved the best and now their top player holds the Samba Gold ...

AC Milan as a family

The club is welcoming, once in we do not want to leave, we would want to be part of the furniture, to continue to receive the largest welcome, from Carlo Ancellotti to Dida, encountering Thiago Silva in the corridor. Ronaldinho and Pato are a little further, Beckham is
here with his kids. AC Milan is more than a football club is a sweet

Leonardo to Kaká, the same class

Here in the home of Milan, Kaká is with family. When he arrived, after a session with the club doctor - he's suffering a foot injury - he was welcomed by everyone, officers, members of coaching team. We are pleased to see him, even happy, as if the last meeting was in a long time. A discreet and sincere welcome was heard. One man has earnt so many respect, here ... and it is Leonardo, the former PSG and AC Milan, world champion in 1994 with Dunga and Jorginho. Kaká and Leonardo are the same guys, with the same class and availability. The first contact is easy, direct, clear. There is a sense of knowing always, the event is natural, simple.

Kaká body and soul

Kaká is like this, he earns millions, in Manchester City and Real Madrid they would give him even more, a little or a lot more. He does not shown his status, his personal fortune. No bodyguard at his side, only the attached press. The player has a meeting with the Samba Gold
and he is delighted. The face is smiling, open, frank. The man is truly delighted to be rewarded, Kaka is sincerely proud to receive this inaugural Samba Gold. The handshake is clear, the outlook does not flee ... if only a few minutes we spend in his company, we dedicate the body and soul. His entire focus is with us.

Availability of mind

Over the questions, Kaká shows the availability of mind. Beyond his talent for football, his knowledge in the game, his creativity in the field, his technique at the foot ball or in his brain, the man is a role model. We knew we had observed, we have to see during those few precious minutes. A few hours of the derby with Inter, he was for us.
At that time, he seemed to have nothing better to do. With his T-shirt "I belong to Jesus" - "I belong to Jesus" - raised his arms to sky after each goal, he is a bearer of religious message, an example, seeking to share "higher values". This goes beyond football, his person. In this quest, he is a messenger, an ambassador and this task is essential.

The angel Gospel

Whether or not sharing their beliefs, that annoys them, how to remain insensitive to this passion? "In Brazil, evangelism is a very special place, it is part of the lives of all days. the Seleção is essential to the smooth running of the team, the osmosis of a group of stars and strong individuality. In Europe, this may raise a smile or even giggle stupidly. A mix Kaká, even a few moments, it takes an entirely different magnitude. In his game, in its everyday gestures like these moments of encounter, it dwells obviously, it reads a deep desire to share a humility, a communion between men just as important. He was
elected by the gods of football he has rights, then he gives homework.

In a few words, Kaká evokes joy to open the record of our Samba d'Or, the importance of religion in his life, his desire to be present at the next World Cup in 2010 in order to win another world title.

- What do you think of Samba Gold?
- The idea is very good for relations between Brazil and Europe. It is a mix between the joy of Brazilian football and the side tactics, technique and discipline of European football. The fact that this award comes from a famous artist, famous, in fact, a significant price. I am very happy to have won for its first year. It is a great honor.

- The voters have entrusted with you to the be the perfect example of a Brazilian in Europe...
- Brazilian football is today an example. The whole world follows football, the sport is seen across the globe. People love football, players have a responsibility to be a great example, to pass good values, thats what I try to do on the ground and through football.

- You often put forward your religion ...
- I am evangelical. I grew up with that, my parents taught me these values. Thereafter, I learned everything that can transmit to people through Biblical values, the values of Jesus. To me it is a great joy and pride to show what God has done in my life. I hope in the lives of everyone, I can also do in the lives of others.

- How do you see the 2010 World Cup?
- Brazil play to win. All competitions that we play in, it is always to win. At the next World Cup it will be the same, there will be waiting even though it will be complicated. We must break that Brazil being, I too would do everything to try to be present to pick up a new world title.

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